The global context of HRM

The global context of HRM

Organizations are getting success based on the effective and efficient utilization of the resources. In this context, human is consider as an important resource since it is involving in the usage of all other resources. Simply, this can be elaborated as all other resources make things possible but only the human resources make things happen. Further, all the other departments such as finance, marketing, operational, research and development departments depend on the human and success of the human resource management. Management of the employee is difficult than the management of other resources.
Therefore, concerning this, to manage this human organizations have develop the human resources management (HRM) or human resources department to provide the high value for that human resource. HRM can be defined as efficient and effective utilization of human resources to achieve goals of an organization. Opatha (2016)
With the development of the HRM in the organizations, it has facing most upcoming challengers such as Going global, embracing new technology (e.g. HRIS), managing change and managing talent. In here going to global is the one of biggest challenge Snell and Bohlander (2010) and it can be discuss deeply. Among these going to global or globalization is the biggest challenge for the organization, even it provide vast opportunities for the business, organizations has to face many issues to win in that global market.
Here, author has considered only the issues related with HRM perspective of global context. Organizations would face the workforce diversity. This would contribute to high productivity by reducing discrimination but create some other issues such as race and ethnicity or cultural  difference, gender and age. Therefore, International business should include the work ethic of employees and customers to be targeted by media, level of literacy and availability of education for the national population, the similarity and diversity of beliefs, religion, morality and values in the target nation and the family and roles of those within it are factors to take into account.
Race and ethnicity
Racial and ethnic minorities can have different perceptions, customs or approaches to communication in the work place. These different can be pose challengers for the organizations that search for harmonious in employee relations.
Women have been face or struggled to obtain the equal pay for the comparable work and to remove the glass ceiling, women face the gender discrimination and sexual harassment too in many work places and this would increase in global context.
Current diverse work force represent generational differences and different perspective and expectation about the relationship between different age group employees.
After taking these factors to the account, organizations have to decide the method practices in that particular market. According to Levitt (1983), this can be done with providing proper training and development, education, do the all operational activities based on the company policy based decisions and these activities are being done by the modern human resource management practices.

-          Levitt, T. "The Globalization of Markets". Harvard Business Review, May-June 1983, pp 93-94.
-          Opatha, H.H.D.N.P. (2016), Human resource management, Colombo: Sharp Graphic House (Pvt) Limited. (Printed in Sri Lanka).
-          Snell S., Bohlander G.(2010) , “Human Resource Management: A South Asian Perspective”, 1st edition, South Western


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