Every organization has a culture that can be a written or unwritten, also culture is unique and key characteristics for every organization shows their competitive advantage and drive behavior and also that is one of the hardest things to change.

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Organizational culture includes an organization’s values, attitude, beliefs, past practices and experience, working environment, connection with outsiders, interaction with government, develop over the time. (The Business Dictionary)
According to Warren Buffet culture is more than a written document to control the organization behavior. Values are the backbone of the organization culture. Its shared connection between the organization and culture, that’s why companies take time and effort to explain about core value to employee, general public & customers. Organizations are made by people and people need a vision to create a successful organization. (DeGarmo)

Culture Shown
1 The ways the organization Conduct its business, treat to their customers, and treat its employees, how its handle corporate responsibility. 
2 Authority distributions to decision making to each position,
3 freedom is allowed to developing new ideas, and personal expression
3 How committed employees are to collective company objectives.
Proper organization’s culture affect the performance, productivity and product quality, punctuality, loyalty of the employee, and main thing is to provide guidelines on customer care and service,

  1.      Driving Organizational Effectiveness through Culture
  2.   Measure culture and culture alignment. The culture of organization and          identifying whether or not cultural alignment exists within leadership.
  3.   Select candidates that fit your culture. Need to recruit employees that match the organizational culture
  4.  Communicate that culture. A strong organizational culture rests on communication – without it there cannot be true cultural alignment. Everyone in the organization should have exposure to your culture during onboarding.

      Reasons why organizational culture is importan
It defines company’s internal and external identity
Organizational culture will resonate across all aspects of business because it represents the way to do business. It simultaneously organizes identity and image, which means it determines how employee, outside people and customers perceive organization.
  Organizational culture is about company’s core values
A strong organizational culture keeps company’s core values front and center in all aspects of its day-to-day operations and organizational structure
 Organizational culture can transform employees into advocates or critics
One of the greatest advantages of a strong organizational cult ure is that it has the power to turn employees into advocates.
     Organizational culture helps keep your best people

An employee who feel like they are part of the organization, rather than a typical employee, they are more e like to stay with the organization.
A well-functioning culture assists with onboarding
The culture at your organization is essentially a guiding force to employee, so it’s important that it starts with onboarding.
Culture transforms company into a team
A successful organizational culture brings together the people at company and keeps them aligned. When culture is clear, it is possible to gather behind it with common purpose. The culture at your organization sets expectations for how people behave and work together, and how well they function as a team.
Culture impacts performance and employee wellbeing
The supportive management behaviors, flexible working options and an open culture that allows employees a voice and some say in shaping the working environment.”

 Barney, J. (2019). Organizational Culture: Can It Be a Source of Sustained Competitive Advantage?. [online] https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=organizational+culture&oq=Organizational+. Available at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/36946637/Organizational_Culture.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1546759217&Signature [Accessed 6 Jan. 2019].


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